Sabado, Nobyembre 10, 2012

Event: Break the Pub - Riddle/Question edition

What: Break the Pub - Riddle Edition
When: Sunday : 3-4 pm (Philippines Time) | be online at 3:00
Where: 2009rwc_03 (@warp 2009rwc_03
How: Simply break the pub by answering the riddle/question. 0.o)

Possible Rewards:
500m bags
Boss cards

Biyernes, Nobyembre 9, 2012

Farming Professionality and Guild Ranks Connection

They saidthat  if you are industrious you can farm up to 200b a week?! is it true? yes if you know all of the farming techniques. Unfortunately AO GM is not industrious. But he definitely knows a lot.


Huwebes, Nobyembre 8, 2012

Ragnarok card damage multiplier computation Guide

If cards are of the same type(scripts) they stack. If not they multiply.

Boss/Non Boss x Race x Element x Size.

Boss/Non Boss cards:
Turtle General and Abyssmal Knight Card and Valkyrie Randgris Card


EG: Hydra Card (20% against demi human race) / Strouf Card (20% against demon)


Santa Poring Card (20% against shadow)/Orc Skeleton (20% against Holy)


Minourous Card/Wolf Card/

Example Scripts (from RMS)


{ bonus2 bAddRace,RC_NonBoss,20; bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Boss,20; bonus3 bAutoSpell,"SM_MAGNUM",10,30; },{},{}

{ bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Boss,25; },{},{}

Valkyrie Randgris

{ bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0; bonus2 bAddRace,RC_NonBoss,10; bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Boss,10; bonus3 bAutoSpell,"SA_DISPELL",1,50; },{},{}

EXAMPLE COMPUTATION: (BEST CARD FOR GX without crit damage multiplier consideration against Baphomet)


Boss/Non Boss
Turtle General/Abysmal/VRc

2 pcs Strouf Card = 40% 

Santa Poring Card = 40%

Let's try to consider minorous card

2 abysmal 2 TGc + 2 Strouf + 2 SP
1.9*1.4*1.4 = 3.724  

4 abysmmal + 2 Strouf + 2 SP
2*1.4*1.4= 3.92

2 minorous+ 2abysmal + 2 Strouf + 2 SP
1.5*1.3*1.4*1.4 = 3.822 + additional atk of minorous but don't make me compute for it. I suck on math.

3 abysmal 1 minorous + 2 Strouf + 2 SP
1.75*1.15*1.4*1.4 = 3.944 highest 

Down to Basics

Perfect Dodge allows the player to dodge a physical attack  by a chance in % corresponding to the Perfect Dodge Value. ( in the image below perfect dodge = 26%)

Every character starts with a value of 1
Every 10 luk increases perfect dodge
Unlike Flee, PD is not reduced by mob effect. (numbers of mob attacking a player)
Does not work against skills attacks, traps and magic
It overrides potential critical hits.

Dreamer RO Common PD Modifiers.
Death Grimtooth = +15 PD (Battle Ground)
Equinox (GX only) = + 10 PD (Elite Weapon)
Drooping amistir = +10 PD
Lunatic card = + 2 PD
Beer hat = + 5 PD
Lunatic hat  = + 5 PD
Mischievous Ear = + 3 PD (Wing area)
Yoyo card = +10 PD
Choco Card = +10 PD
Valkyrie Manteau (Mage/Archer/Acolyte Class) = + 5 ~ 25 PD (refinement based)
Wild Rose card (thief class only) = +10 PD
Grimtooth = +5 PD
Fortune Sword = +20 PD
Morrigane's Manteau = +8 PD

PD Advantage:
-The best way to avoid RG's most fatal attack - sacrifice 
-The higher your PD the lesser the chance that your enemy's auto skill (eg. sonic blow from punk beanie/dispel/ifrit rings) will trigger. 

> all of them are forced neutral
   Use GR instant 75% reduction.
   Use redux ( demi human damage redux ) cranial (thara from card) / neo valkyrie shield (30%) reduction / redux headgear (35%) -> instant 65% demi human reduction. (NOTE: DEMI HUMAN REDUCTION REDUCE BOTH PHYSICAL AND MAGICAL ATTACKS FROM DEMI HUMAN.)
   Use Aesprika: Note: Neutral is also considered an element in ragnarok.(30% from neutral)
   Use Deviling (not recommended) reason: very risky
To be continued

Martes, Nobyembre 6, 2012

MVP Boss Event - Conversion

AO Event Item Conversion/Exchange Rate:

Exchange rate:

LEGENDARY: 10000 pcs = IS - ( yes as if you can)
LEGENDARY 250 pcs = donation wing
L:EGENDARY: 200 pcs = donation headgear
EPIC: 150 pcs = 1 pc boss card (random) [LKC/SinX/HWC]
EPIC: 120 pcs = 1 pc boss card (random) [Thanatos/Kiel/Tao]
EPIC: 100 pcs = 100 boss summon service. ( free 100 boss only for you w/ free bubble gum) 
EPIC: 90 pcs = 400 pcs bapho doll/set  (elite hero quest requirement - cost 4b+)
SUPERIOR: 80 pcs = ???
SUPERIOR: 70 pcs = ???
SUPERIOR: 60 pcs = boss card (random) [TG/VRC/LOD/GR/GTB/MAYA]
SUPERIOR: 50 pcs = 1 billion zeny bag
SUPERIOR: 40 pcs =  Endless Tower Guild Service/ All drops are yours - biotites/cards/SoY
RELIC: 30 pcs =  10 pcs Enriched Elunium
RELIC: 20 pcs =  5 pcs biotite
RELIC: 10 pcs =  1 pc bubble gum
ELITE: 1 pc = 10 pcs poring card ROFL

Where to obtain:
Any guild events. 

Caspen Farming Rotation Guide

This is for ST hunters. This is the proper rotation for ST hunting.

1. Solo

2. Dual Team

Green Rotation - A
Red Rotation - B

3. Triple Team

Red = A
Green = B
Blue = C

4. Quadruple Team

Green = A
Red = B
Blue= C
Pink = D

Linggo, Nobyembre 4, 2012

Vote For Points



RG Farming/Ranking Style

Royal Guard Reflect Type Caspen

Credits To: Sky Princess/Draconie's Guide

Reflect type
Lesser Berry Usage
Fast Kill
5 mins = 1m+ Hero Exp
Flexible Build

Hero Quest Guide


Max Base Level/Job Level

Go to [ayo_in02 100, 165]
Talk to Sigmund.
He will tell you the quest requirements.


Posted Image
@mi Draconus
There are 2 types of Draconus the weak (shadow) and strong (ghost) version.

You will need his scale (Draconus Scale).

Strong Version
This monster can be found at mag_dun02.
Warp to mag_dun02 = mag_dun01 241 241

Weaker Version
Talk to young lady [ayo_in02 92, 172]
Note: You need 1billion zeny. One time payment for unlimited access.
she will warp you to Draconus [weak]

You will also need 100 PVP Skulls
Note: the description of real PVP Skulls is:
A skull in which someone name has been carved.

and lastly
The Quest of DOOM

*Thanatos Frags are change into character bound, means you can not Store into storage

Upon obtaining all these you will return to Sigmund in [ayo_in02 100 165].
Talk to him and if you have completed all the item requirements you will transcend to a Hero Class:
- Return to Level 1/1 Hero Class (e.g. Level 1/1 Hero Paladin)
- 2500 Stat Points
- 108 Skill Points
- Viri Ignis (a.k.a. Hero Aura) [+3% ATK, +3% MATK, Spash 3x3, 1 slot, Lower headgear]


(10m zeny x2)

After becoming a Hero, if you talk to Sigmund again, he will mention Blacksmith Regin at Einbroch.
Now warp to [ein_in01 28 85] and talk to Regin, he will take the rest of the Hero Quest items.
He will tell you to wait for him to create the items. You must wait 2 hours ONLINE in order for him to finish.
[Sometimes you talk to him right after you gave all the items he requested.]

Once finished, click the NPC and you will obtain your [GLORIFIED] equipment.

IMPORTANT QUEST: Heaven Flower Quest

Go to [lighthalzen 40 240] and talk to the NPC named Heimer.
He will describe to you a quest to enter this arena.
In order to enter this arena, you must have 200 Honor Kills (meaning you PK someone that is your base level or higher)
and find an item called [Heaven Flower].

Heaven Flower can be found in [odin_tem03] in 3 possible random locations:

Posted Image

This is not a 100% drop rate. So if you don't get the Heaven Flower, you need to reset back to Heimer.
Once you have obtained 200 honor kills and a Heaven Flower, return to Heimer and you will be warped to the [Waiting Room of the Heroes].


Each Hero starts off at D rank. In order to reach higher levels you must:
Kill Heroes in the Hero Arena
- Kill Monsters in the Monster Arena 
-Kill Monsters in the Caspen Dungeon (For GX and Warlock)

Experience Table:
C - 12,553,600 Experience points
B - 48,567,000 Experience points
A - 131,072,000 Experience points
S - To be discovered


Posted Image

Talk to Heimer, then he'll ask you to meet Hildebrand at [lighthalzen 256 122].
He'll ask you to have 60 kills with a 2:1 kill ratio
 (Kills : Death) then, he'll give you something like an app (a.k.a. Peridot)
Then go to BS Regin [ein_in01 28 85] and he will ask you to bring:

Posted Image

B Rank Hero
Posted Image

- 48,500,000 Hero EXP to change to B Rank
- 1x Clear Trial of Glory Arena

Now that you're Rank B, the hard stuff's over. It's time to make your equipment quest!
Before starting this quest, I'd pick up all these items first:

Posted Image
Okay, this is a breaking point from B Rank starters. The real quest begins now!

Talk to Reginleif, the girl that informs you about your Rank at the Hero Waiting Room.
Tell her to unlock your B Rank equipment and she'll tell you to go to Payon in search of an old man named Vadum,
whose location is [payon 129 178]. He'll be surprised when you talk to him,
and he'll tell you he can't help you, but maybe his son can. However, he asks for some donations first...
Cough up 100k zenny and he'll tell you his son is roaming in [pay_fild09]. Okay, let's warp!

I can't tell you where Vioga is, he's like the new Vagrant Merchant. Looks like a player and moves around its map.
However, there's a possibility this NPC likes roaming the middle part of the field.
Posted Image
Once you find the knight, just hold Shift and Click him once.
He'll start talking about his stuff and telling you he dropped an important item.
He asks you to help him and when you accept, the quest begins!

You've got 5 mintues to find a special Poporing. It will be bouncing around the middle, too.
There's NO WAY to tell any difference from other Poporings. Just make sure you're @autoloot'ing.
One of the Poporings you kill will cough up a Posted Image so before the 5 minutes are up, just return to where Vioga was.
(Don't worry, he'll be standing over there and won't move. Just make sure to write his coords down to make it faster)
and give him his item. He will be most grateful and give you the last item you need!

After you're given Posted Image, just make sure your item list is okay
and matches the one I gave above, plus the item Vioga gave you. All good? Last step then!

Go to Regin (the smith you've visited before to make your D rank and C rank equipment) and tell him you want more equipment!
He'll take your items and 20,000,000 zenny and give you choices depending on your Job.
Choose wisely! You can only get ONE!


Posted Image

[Glorified Tsurugi] - [+5 AGI, +5 Critical][Attack: 160]
[Mythril Saber] - [+10 STR, +8 AGI][+45 HIT, +7% Movement Speed][Attack: 330]
[Shamshir] - [+19 Critical, Range +2, +14 STR, +17 DEX][Attack: 470]
[Ghoulblade] - [Undead Element][Attack: 370]
[Ragnarok] - [Attack: 610]

2H Swords
[Glorified Broadsword] - [+9 DEF, +9 VIT][Attack: 270]
[Armada] - [+10 STR, +8 AGI][15% Damage Reduction Against Medium Sized Monsters][AttacK: 320]
[Storm Bringer] - [+12 STR, +16 VIT][Water Property, 20% Damage Increase Against Fire Property][Attack:


[Apocalypse] - [Attack: 380]
[God's Blade] - [Attack: 620]

[Glorified Damascus] - [+3 AGI, Lvl5 DoubleSlash][Pierce Human Defense][Attack: 148]
[Cris] - [+10 AGI, +15% Flee, +15% HIT][Pierce Human Defense][Attack: 325]
[Exploda] - [+8 STR,+12 AGI][Attack: 418]
[Orihalcon] - [Attack: 358]
[Kusai] - [Attack: 598]

[Glorified Jamadhar] - [+5 Critical, +6 ASPD][Attack: 295]
[Venom Tooth] - [+5 AGI, +3 STR][Poison Property Attack, 30% Chance Of Causing Poison][Attack: 225]

[Feral Claw] - [+12 STR, +12 AGI][+10 Aspd, +20 Critical][Attack: 415]
[Runic Talons] - [Attack: 405]
[Chakram] - [Attack: 645]

1H Axe
[Glorified War Axe] - [+7 DEX, +7 LUK][Attack: 275]
[Deathspade] - [+12 STR][0.1% Chance To Cause Coma When Attacking With Normal Attacks][Attack: 295]

[Inferno] - [Attack: 655]

2H Axe
[Glorified Two Handed Axe] - [+15% Attack][Attack: 215]
[The Chieftain] - [ +12 STR, +15 DEF, +10% Max. HP][Attack: 335]
[Stormrider] - [Attack: 695]

1H Spear
[Glorified Lance][+8 STR, -5 DEF][Ignore Defense Monster, Range +1%, DEF when melee by +2%,
0.01% Chance Of Causing The Enemy To Bleed When Being Hit By Physical Damage][Attack: 225]

[Dragoon Lance] - [+3 Range, +9 STR][5% Damage Reduction Against Melee Physical Attacks,
0.03% Chance Of Causing The Enemy To Bleed When Being Hit By Physical Damage][Attack: 275]

[Viper] - [+30 Attack][Attack: 625]

2H Spear
[Glorified Halberd] - [+7 STR, +1 Range, -5 DEF][2% Damage Reduction Against Melee Physical Attacks,
0.01% Chance Of Causing The Enemy To Bleed When Being Hit By Physical Damage,
Ignore Def. Of All Monsters Except Bosses, No HP Regeneration]|Attack: 235]

[Dragon Tail] - [+10 STR][5% Damage Reduction Against Melee Physical Attacks,
0.03% Chance Of Causing The Enemy To Bleed When Being Hit By Physical Damage][Attack: 315]

[Spirit Lance] - [Attack: 675]

2H Staff
[Spire of Lazarus] - [+30% MATK, +8 INT, +10% Max HP][10% Reduction Against Magic Attacks][Attack: 250]

[Eternal Staff] - [ +36% MATK, +16 INT, +20% Max HP, +40% Max SP, +12 DEX][Casting Cannot Be Interrupted

(Except In GvG),
Skills Require No Gemstones (Except Hocuspocus; Requires 1), Hiding And Cloaking Players Can Be Seen][Attack: 270]

[Glorified Sword Mace] - [+9 STR][Splash Attack Radius of 3x3]
[Moonfall] - [+12 STR][HP Recovery Rate +25%, SP Recovery Rate +15%,
2.5% Probability To Drain 5% HP When Attacking, 5% Probability To Drain 10% SP When Attacking][Attack : 320]

[Stormlash] - [+15 STR][HP Recovery Rate +50%, SP Recovery Rate +30%, 2.5% Probability To Drain 10% HP

When Attacking,
5% Probability To Drain 20% SP When Attacking, Water Property Defence][Attack: 390]

[Holy Maul] - [Attack: 370]
[Heavens Light] - [Attack: 610]

[Glorified Tablet] - [+5 INT, +5% Max SP][Attack: 155]
[Divine Tome] - [+10 INT, +10% SP, +20% MATK][Holy Property Defence, Holy Property Attack,
50% Damage Reduced Against Dark Element][Attack: 275]

[Tears of Fallen Angel] - [Attack: 515]

[Glorified Arc Wand] - [+12 INT, +21% MATK][Attack: 90]
[Willow Staff] - [+15 INT, +24% MATK, +5 MDEF][50% Damage Reduced Against Earth Element][Attack: 220]

[Staff of Sentinel] - [+18 INT, +30% MATK, +10 MDEF][Attack: 159]
[Divine Staff] - [Attack: 180]
[Wonderwind] - [Attack: 210]

[Glorified Gakkung] - [+8 DEX, +3 Range][Attack: 230]
[Elven Bow] - [+12 DEX, +5 Range][25% Probability Of Double Attack, Movement Speed +10%][Attack: 360]

[Gastraphetes] - [+15 DEX, +9 Range, +6 AGI][10% Damage Reduction Against Melee Physical Attacks]
[One Handed][Attack: 410]

[Shining Bow] - [Attack: 370]
[Soul Bow] - [Attack: 610]

[Glorified Finger] - [+5 STR][4% Probability To Drain 10% SP When Attacking][Attack: 127]
[Cestus] - [+8 STR, +10% ATK][4% Probability To Drain 10% SP When Attacking][Attack: 247]
[Viper's Fang] - [Attack: 487]

[Glorified Guhmoongoh] - [+8 DEX, +6 INT][Attack: 156]
[Mythril Harp] - [+16 DEX, 12 INT][+10 ASPD, +5 Range, +10 Critical][Attack: 274]
[Divine Voice] - [Attack: 576]

[Glorified Whip] - [+12 DEX, +8 INT][Attack:250]
[Sidewinder] - [+16 DEX,+12 INT][50% Probability Of Double Attack, +5 Range, +10 Critical][Attack: 330]

[Shadow Dancer] - [Attack:570]

Posted Image

[Glorified Full Plate] - [+6% Max HP][Defense: 10]
[Brigandine] - [+6% Max HP][Defense: 10]
[Dragon Plate] - [+6% Max HP][Defense: 10]

[Glorified Holy Robe] - [+5 Mdef, +6% Max HP][15% Damage Reduction Against Demon Race, 10% Damage

Reduction Against Dark Element][Defense: 10]

[Elven Tunic] - [+5 Mdef,+6 Max HP][15% Damage Reduction Against Demon Race, 10% Damage Reduction

Against Dark Element][Defense: 10]

[Divine Robe] - [+5 Mdef,+6 Max HP][15% Damage Reduction Against Demon Race, 10% Damage Reduction

Against Dark Element][Defense: 10]

[Glorified Tights] - [+1 DEX][+6% Max HP][Defense: 6]
[Elven Suit] - [+1 DEX][+6% Max HP][Defense: 6]
[Dragon Tights] - [+1 DEX][+6% Max HP][Defense: 6]

Mage, Soul Linker
[Glorified Mage Coat] - [+1 Mdef, +1 INT][+6% Max HP][Defense: 5]
[Elven Robe] - [+1 Mdef, +1 INT][+6% Max HP][Defense: 5]
[Phoenix Coat] - [+1 Mdef, +1 INT][+6% Max HP][Defense: 5]

Thief, Ninja(?)
[Glorified Ninja Suit] - [+1 AGI, +3 Mdef][+6% Max HP][Defense: 7]
[Dark Elven Cloth] - [+1 AGI, +3 Mdef][+6% Max HP][Defense: 7]
[Dragon Cloth] - [+1 AGI, +3 Mdef][+6% Max HP][Defense: 7]

[Glorified Lord's Cloth] - [+1 INT, +5 Mdef][+6% Max HP][Defense: 8]
[Blast Mail] - [+1 INT, +5 Mdef][+6% Max HP][Defense: 8]
[Dragon Suit] - [+1 INT, +5 Mdef][+6% Max HP][Defense: 8]

Posted Image

[Glorified Muffler] - [+10% resistance to Neutral Damage][Defense: 4]
[Glorified Manteau] - [+10% resistance to Neutral Damage][Defense: 6]

Posted Image

[Glorified Shoes] - [+10% Moving Speed][Defense: 4]
[Elven Shoes] - [+10% Moving Speed][Defense: 4]
[Winged Shoes] - [+10% Moving Speed][Defense: 4]

[Glorified Boots] - [+10% Moving Speed][Defense: 5]
[Mythril Boots] - [+10% Moving Speed][Defense: 5]
[Dragon Boots] - [+10% Moving Speed][Defense: 5]

[Glorified Novice Shoes] - [+5%Max HP, +10% Moving Speed][Defense: 2]
[Mythril Shoes] - [+5% Max HP, +10% Moving Speed][Defense: 2]
[Guidance] - [+5% Max HP, +10% Moving Speed][Defense: 2]

[Glorified Greaves] - [+10% Moving Speed][Defense: 5]
[Bone Greaves] - [+10% Moving Speed][Defense: 5]
[Dragon Greaves] - [+10% Moving Speed][Defense: 5]


Zeph Quest Guide

Zeph Quest/Mission Quest Guide

What is zeph Quest?

Zeph Quest is a quest where you can get a lot of reward for hunting a grocery list of monsters within an hour. It is the best quest for starters. I suggest using a warlock.

Great amount of zeny
Base and Job experience
Deathmatch points

1. Zeph is located inside casp_auct02: to warp type @warp casp_auct02

2. Talk to him and he will give you your contract. 

Important Notes:
Type @mission to keep track of your hunting list and remaining time

3. Type @whereis "monster ID or monster name"  eg: @whereis 1012. "@whereis" command will show you the location of that specific monster. Use @warp to go to the location of the monster. Use @showmobs "monster id/name" for easy hunting.

You can party.
Once you've finished 45 missions, the mission difficulty goes back to Level 1 

1. Deathmatch points = cashpoints / can be used inside deathmatch shop (same location with zeph)
2. Rokstar Badges = can be exchanged at the battleground room (@go 26) Look for erundek. (exchange for valord badges)

AO Rules

Guild Rules

Don't make things unpleasant for us; dont make things unpleasant for other people while you have our guild tag/emblem on your name. If you stick to that, things should be ok.

Our members are expected above all to behave with taste and decorum. Members should treat one another, and everyone else, with respect and civility, in all situations. Members found to be insulting and poorly behaved will be admonished, and if necessary, removed from the guild. 

As a member of AO, everything you do affects the guild's reputation. Guild members should behave with kindness and consideration towards other people on the server. If you are publically causing a problem in a general chat, world chat or any other situation, you are causing a problem for the guild, as well, and that will be dealt with. A little razzing we can handle, but if you are being deliberately insulting and harassing, rude or uncouth, that will not be tolerated. 

Members attempting to 'start something' with another guild, will quickly find themselves guildless. We have no interest in childish rivalries, we do not care if their dad can beat up our dad or they think that their guild name is better than our and you disagree. If a particular member of a particular guild is a problem, that person is a problem, not his or her entire guild; even if that person is the leader of the guild. Remember one should not exceed the whole. 

When you are in a group which is not run by the guild, you are expected to strictly follow the rules laid out by the group, and the directions of the party leader. Offer advice politely and with confidence if you have a degree of authority on the matter at hand and it is requested. AO members should be able to group seamlessly. Teamwork is essential and you should be able to manage it without reminders. 

Likewise, if you are running a pvp party, do so with strength and confidence, but not blindly. Lead well, and handle disputes gracefully, with a fair and even hand. You are representing the guild from a position of authority, and your actions reflect on us all. 

Should you be in a position to offer advice to another player, do so politely and without overt arrogance. Do not insult or belittle their choices or talent build, but point out advantages to other builds if you wish to do so. 

We encourage our members to read both our forums and the official DRO rules, but ask that you exercise diplomacy. If you feel you have been treated unfairly, please do not argue with the person, let it go. If the situation presists let us know and one of the guild leaders will respond.

Guild Rank: Officer Status/Apprentice System

Regarding officer status -- please do not ask to be promoted. It won't help. There's nothing terribly fascinating about being an officer anyway. If you want to be an officer, *be* one. Lead effectively, work well with others, take initiative, help people, group outside the guild and be generous and kind and extremely competant. Do the things we expect of our officers, and trust us, we'll notice, and respond. 

Existing officers, of course, aren't off the hook. Officers need to maintain the sorts of activities that define them as officers. Officer rank is a recognition of ongoing excellence, not a one time reward that cannot be rescinded. 

Apprentice System:

Not yet applicable.


Many people enjoy occasionally playing on a different class and have one or more alternate characters. Once you have passed the initiate stage, we encourage you to bring those alternate characters into the guild (extension). If you are welcome here on one character, you are welcome on all of them.

Guild Events and Assistance:

MVP Summoning Event: (daily or at least 3x a week)
100-300 yggdrasil berry each player.
Bubble Gum (for newbies only)

As much as possible avoid kill stealing. Assist if asked to do so. DO NOT INVITE NON MEMBERS to help you. 

MVP drops

Hide and Seek (weekly -monthly)

Rules: MEMBERS ONLY. Do not ask your non members friend for help in any form or way. Do so and become guildless. 

Possible rewards: DM points/ Rare MVP cards/ 1b bags/Donation items

Hero Quest Assistance: 

1B for Draconus Trial.
10 pcs of biotites
Dye stuffs
100 pcs skulls.

+ hunting assistance from an officer. (only if available)

Elite Hero Quest Assistance:

400 bapho dolls
Other Elite stones (eg. pyroxene/citrin/phlogopite/muscovite)

Other events coming.

Other Notes:

We don't give out salaries at the moment 'cause we are focusing on member enhancement and awareness of the game system. We are focused on making all members professional farmers and economy supplier not professional beggars. We wont spoon feed all the items you need because we will teach you how to make your own zenny. You wont get rich in 1b-2b salary per WOE, instead we are reaching out our hands to you and will help you get stronger given that you will know our farming techniques. All you need is just determination and willingness to learn, with that you can complete your donation set within a week. Do not abuse or demand. Learn to farm , hunt on your own.

AO- Enigma/Armageddon/AO Staff