Guild Rules
Don't make things unpleasant for us; dont make things unpleasant for other people while you have our guild tag/emblem on your name. If you stick to that, things should be ok.
Our members are expected above all to behave with taste and decorum. Members should treat one another, and everyone else, with respect and civility, in all situations. Members found to be insulting and poorly behaved will be admonished, and if necessary, removed from the guild.
As a member of AO, everything you do affects the guild's reputation. Guild members should behave with kindness and consideration towards other people on the server. If you are publically causing a problem in a general chat, world chat or any other situation, you are causing a problem for the guild, as well, and that will be dealt with. A little razzing we can handle, but if you are being deliberately insulting and harassing, rude or uncouth, that will not be tolerated.
Members attempting to 'start something' with another guild, will quickly find themselves guildless. We have no interest in childish rivalries, we do not care if their dad can beat up our dad or they think that their guild name is better than our and you disagree. If a particular member of a particular guild is a problem, that person is a problem, not his or her entire guild; even if that person is the leader of the guild. Remember one should not exceed the whole.
When you are in a group which is not run by the guild, you are expected to strictly follow the rules laid out by the group, and the directions of the party leader. Offer advice politely and with confidence if you have a degree of authority on the matter at hand and it is requested. AO members should be able to group seamlessly. Teamwork is essential and you should be able to manage it without reminders.
Likewise, if you are running a pvp party, do so with strength and confidence, but not blindly. Lead well, and handle disputes gracefully, with a fair and even hand. You are representing the guild from a position of authority, and your actions reflect on us all.
Should you be in a position to offer advice to another player, do so politely and without overt arrogance. Do not insult or belittle their choices or talent build, but point out advantages to other builds if you wish to do so.
We encourage our members to read both our forums and the official DRO rules, but ask that you exercise diplomacy. If you feel you have been treated unfairly, please do not argue with the person, let it go. If the situation presists let us know and one of the guild leaders will respond.
Guild Rank: Officer Status/Apprentice System
Regarding officer status -- please do not ask to be promoted. It won't help. There's nothing terribly fascinating about being an officer anyway. If you want to be an officer, *be* one. Lead effectively, work well with others, take initiative, help people, group outside the guild and be generous and kind and extremely competant. Do the things we expect of our officers, and trust us, we'll notice, and respond.
Existing officers, of course, aren't off the hook. Officers need to maintain the sorts of activities that define them as officers. Officer rank is a recognition of ongoing excellence, not a one time reward that cannot be rescinded.
Apprentice System:
Not yet applicable.
Many people enjoy occasionally playing on a different class and have one or more alternate characters. Once you have passed the initiate stage, we encourage you to bring those alternate characters into the guild (extension). If you are welcome here on one character, you are welcome on all of them.
Guild Events and Assistance:
MVP Summoning Event: (daily or at least 3x a week)
100-300 yggdrasil berry each player.
Bubble Gum (for newbies only)
As much as possible avoid kill stealing. Assist if asked to do so. DO NOT INVITE NON MEMBERS to help you.
MVP drops
Hide and Seek (weekly -monthly)
Rules: MEMBERS ONLY. Do not ask your non members friend for help in any form or way. Do so and become guildless.
Possible rewards: DM points/ Rare MVP cards/ 1b bags/Donation items
Hero Quest Assistance:
1B for Draconus Trial.
10 pcs of biotites
Dye stuffs
100 pcs skulls.
+ hunting assistance from an officer. (only if available)
Elite Hero Quest Assistance:
400 bapho dolls
Other Elite stones (eg. pyroxene/citrin/phlogopite/
Other events coming.
Other Notes:
We don't give out salaries at the moment 'cause we are focusing on member enhancement and awareness of the game system. We are focused on making all members professional farmers and economy supplier not professional beggars. We wont spoon feed all the items you need because we will teach you how to make your own zenny. You wont get rich in 1b-2b salary per WOE, instead we are reaching out our hands to you and will help you get stronger given that you will know our farming techniques. All you need is just determination and willingness to learn, with that you can complete your donation set within a week. Do not abuse or demand. Learn to farm , hunt on your own.
AO- Enigma/Armageddon/AO Staff
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who should i pm to join?
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